
Primus Inter Pares School Team

A team of those who successfully combine responsible parenting and active self-realization have created Primus Inter Pares School.

We have our own experience and feel the need for a new approach to education and teaching.

We, inspired by love to children and the examples of the best schools in the world, know what needs to be changed and how to do it. Moreover, we understand the importance of the mission chosen, making the dream of a school, where we create a happy future for each child and society as a whole come true.

Liudmyla Son
Liudmyla Son
A co-founder, CEO of Primus Inter Pares School, a successful businessperson, a co-founder and a director of the advertising agency Avantime
Olena Kovbasa
Olena Kovbasa
Academic Director of Primus Inter Pares School, English teacher with the highest qualification category, expert with a long experience in teaching and administrative work, has the title of "teacher-methodologist".
Anna Iermolaieva
Anna Iermolaieva
is a President of the Supervisory Board of Primus Inter Pares School; a social activist and a successful entrepreneur, a co-founder of Amel Dental Clinic, a co-founder and a director of the Kiddo Charitable Foundation
Victoria Lyubarevich-Torkhova
Victoria Lyubarevich-Torkhova
is a member of the Supervisory Board and a methodological team of Primus Inter Pares School; a neuropsychologist of cognitive development with a diploma of the University of Essex (UK) and with work experience in schools in England and Ukraine; a psychotherapist for adults and children; a leading psychologist and a co-host of the social project of the STB channel "Dear, we are killing our children!"; the author of the program "The joy of cognition"
Olena Kudlai
Olena Kudlai
SOO Primus Inter Pares School, expert with a long experience in administrative and management positions in the field of education and business structures, has a master's degree in legal sciences
Lora Zakon (Israel)
Lora Zakon (Israel)
is a member of the methodological team, Primus Inter Pares School consultant, the Head of International Centre of dyslexia correction DARON. She is a specialist-diagnostician in work with kids and adults, who have dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia and ADD onsets. She is a licensed methodologist of Davis Dyslexia Association International (DDAI). She has rich practical experience of work with people who have different gravity of dyslexia and other learning related problems
Viktoriia Kononenko
Viktoriia Kononenko
Project-manager PIPS, Drama teacher
Julia Lunyova
Julia Lunyova
Informatics and Physics teacher with the highest qualification category, has the title of "teacher-methodologist", regional trainer for the "Intel © Teaching for the Future" program, awardee of the Teacher of the Year contest, an author of distance learning courses in Informatics.
Daniel Mills
Daniel Mills
Native Speaker PIPS from Australia.
Cheberko Nataliia
Cheberko Nataliia
Teacher of the Ukrainian language and literature of the highest qualification category, Methodist teacher, winner of the regional competition "Teacher of the Year"
Taras Viter
Taras Viter
Math teacher, winner of the All-Ukrainian scientific and technical competition of young scientists "Young Academy" and participant of many All-Ukrainian and International scientific conferences in Ukraine, Poland and Slovakia.
Viktoriia Honcharova
Viktoriia Honcharova
Mathematics teacher of the highest qualification category, winner of the "Teacher of the Year" competition, has the category "Senjor" in IT.
Viktoriia Zhuravliova
Viktoriia Zhuravliova
PIPS Geography teacher with the highest qualification category, has the title of "teacher-methodologist".
Roman Kryvenok
Roman Kryvenok
PIPS History teacher, has the second qualification category
Yevhen Ocokin
Yevhen Ocokin
PIPS Chemistry teacher, laureate of international and all-Ukrainian conferences in the field of quantum-chemical modeling, publicist of the SCOPUS international scientometric base, holds a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Chemistry
Victoriia Ulizko
Victoriia Ulizko
Designer PIPS, architect and interior designer
Natalya Sharlai
Natalya Sharlai
PIPS Ukrainian language teacher of the highest qualification category, has the title of "senior teacher", member of the jury of the All-Ukrainian Olympiad and competitions
Lybov Telyatnik
Lybov Telyatnik
PIPS Ukrainian language teacher
Olena Kazantseva
Olena Kazantseva
PIPS Teacher of Art, Design and Art History
Vladyslava Kravchemko
Vladyslava Kravchemko
PIPS English teacher
Mariia Ivanchenko
Mariia Ivanchenko
PIPS Biology teacher
Anastasiia Ivanyshyna
Anastasiia Ivanyshyna
PIPS English teacher
Kateryna Moroz
Kateryna Moroz
PIPS primary school teacher, has the second qualification category, Primary school supervisor
Svetlana Gasylo
Svetlana Gasylo
PIPS primary school teacher, has the second qualification category
Kateryna Kostyria
Kateryna Kostyria
PIPS Primary school teacher
Vladyslava Oleshko
Vladyslava Oleshko
PIPS primary school teacher
Antonina Vdovina
Antonina Vdovina
Yoga teacher for children and adults with two higher educations - economic and pedagogical
Elizaveta Mazyrets
Elizaveta Mazyrets
PIPS Music teacher
Oleksandra Mydrak
Oleksandra Mydrak
PIPS remedial education teacher
Sofiia Bila
Sofiia Bila
PIPS teacher's assistant, with a degree in Psychology
Kateryna Marenych
Kateryna Marenych
PIPS teacher's assistant
Anastasiia Bashlyk
Anastasiia Bashlyk
PIPS teacher's assistant
Oleksandr Polyvoda
Oleksandr Polyvoda
PIPS Chess coach. Candidate master in chess
Inna Polyanska
Inna Polyanska
Administrator PIPS
Alina Tkach
Alina Tkach
Administrator PIPS
Anastasiia Liashenko
Anastasiia Liashenko
Medical nurse of the general practice of family medicine of the highest category.
Vacancies Primus Inter Pares School

We are a community that feels the spirit of time and the challenges of the future. Our task is to make learning easy and fun so that students can fully discover themselves and their potential.

Our principle: “We learn ourselves – we teach others.”

We consider the unconditional acceptance to be the main value in the interaction of a mentor with a student.

That’s why we welcome everyone who shares our aspirations and dreams

From us:

  • comprehensive logistic capacity;
  • the space where you want to develop and create something new;
  • full access to the world’s innovative learning technologies;
  • systematic vocational training;
  • teamwork, where the result depends on everyone and the win-win strategy is used;
  • decent wages;
  • an opportunity to make a significant contribution to the development of the city, and not only our


From You:

  • commitment to our values and principles;
  • professional knowledge and skills;
  • charisma and natural ability to make children fall in love with science and art;
  • desire and ability to take into account all the psycho-emotional, physical and physiological needs of children;
  • readiness to study and develop constantly in search of new technologies and methods of their implementation, corresponding to the values and aims of the
  • project; also remembering that a teacher’s influence lasts from 45 minutes and to a student’s entire life.

If everything above is about you, then we’ve found you!!!

Вакансії Primus Inter Pares School
53, Sicheslavska Naberezhna
Complex «Amsterdam»
Dnipro, Ukraine
For meeting appointment:
+38 067 680 16 16
Meeting appointment