
“…Remember, remember, the 5th of November…”🍁

“…Remember, remember, the 5th of November…”🍁

Do you know where these words come from? 🤔
It’s Guy Fawkes Night!
On the night of November 5, 419 years ago, a man named Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the powder kegs in the cellars of the Palace of Westminster and blow up Parliament 🔥 But his revolution was stopped and he was arrested 👮
In Great Britain, on Guy Fawkes Night, fireworks and bonfires are lit on which an effigy of the revolutionary is burned.
Of course, we could not miss such an interesting event in history. And today, in the course of learning, all classes in the English lesson learned the history of this day and even made a small “dish on the fire” 😍
After the lesson, everyone was able to enjoy delicious fried marshmallows, which they prepared with their own hands 🍡
Cool tribe feels vibe 💙

Meeting appointment