

PRIMUS INTER PARES SCHOOL – is a private comprehensive school of a new format in the city of Dnipro with unique opportunities for the comprehensive development of each child and assistance in finding their vocation.

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Про Primus Inter Pares School

Ми – спільнота, яка відчуває дух часу та виклики майбутнього.

Наше завдання – зробити навчання легким та захоплюючим, щоб учні змогли усебічно розкрити себе та свій потенціал.

Наш принцип: «Навчаємось самі – навчаємо інших». У взаємодії наставника з учнем ми вважаємо головною цінністю безумовне прийняття.

 Primus Inter Pares School
We do not create special conditions for anybody
we have special conditions for everyone
Meeting appointment
Where is the school located?

Primus Inter Pares School is located: 53, Sicheslavskaya Naberezhnaya, complex Amsterdam, Dnipro

What curriculum do you use?

Primus Inter Pares School teaching is based on the state Ukrainian education program, improved by the most effective modern methods and technologies that develop hard skills & soft skills.

The school participates in the national research project “Learning Technologies for Elementary School Students “Smart Kids” using multimedia teaching resources.

Unique application courses of designing and robotics were developed for our school. We are conducting a linguistic club with native speaker on an ongoing basis.

In our work, we rely on the latest neuropsychological research and discoveries of how a child’s mind and memory work. The harmonious development of personality and creative potential of students will be provided at eidetic, chess, rhetoric, arts classes with the help of interactive educational programs, smart technologies, TRIZ pedagogy, elements of bilingual education and other proven techniques.

Will a child have homework?

No!!! The children do all the tasks provided by the program at school during the classes, except for the independent learning activities that the students plan for themselves.

What languages are using in the School?

Education at Primus Inter Pares School is held in the state language using elements of bilingual education with a focus on English. We are sure that mastering the language does not just allow to communicate effectively, but also primarily have a key influence on a child’s mind development. The more languages a person knows, the more ways of thinking and mental schemes they can use to achieve their aims.

The choice of the language for interpersonal communication is free and will depend on individual preferences.

How many children are there per class and how many grades are available?

There are grades from the 1st to the 11th up to 22 children in each class.

Do we have high school?

Yes, we have further.

What specialists will work with children?

Each class has a class teacher, a tutor (TTA), teachers of school subjects and a foreign language teacher (Native Speaker). If necessary, specialists who work with special needs (dyslexia, ADD (H), hypersensitivity, etc.) will be also involved. In addition, the School actively engage in the educational process external experts, such as successful representatives of science, culture and business, well-known public and creative people.

Who is a tutor (TTA)?

TTA – Tutor Teacher Assistant (teacher’s assistant) is a professional teacher’s assistant whose activity is aimed at identifying and revealing the strengths and abilities of each child by building a relationship of trust and mutual respect. The tutor teaches children to recognize themselves, track and realize their talents using personal approach and supporting each student individually. The assistant also helps the teacher to form children’s social skills, directing them to support and accept the individual features of each other.

How is a child's day at School like?

At 8.00 the staff of the School is ready to meet the students. For those who choose, next 30 minutes can be devoted to physical exercises: the general physical training, Pilates, stretching, etc., as it is proved that such a start of a day contributes to better understanding of learning material.

From 8.30 to 9.00 – Early Birds Time, during which children get ready for classes with the help of a tutor, communicate with each other, discuss their favorite games, hobbies and even interesting dreams.

The basic classes, which are compulsory, begin at 9.00 and last until 16.30 (with the possibility of staying at school till 19.00).

From 16.30 to 19.00 is time for extracurricular activities at the Educational Center “PIPS Academy”, which will work for our students and the students of other schools and will be for extra payment.

Approximate list of subjects in PIPS Academy

  • ART school;
  • Guitar;
  • Vocalism;
  • Chess.
Catering for students

Meals at Primus Inter Pares School is provided by restaurant catering, ordered for extra charge according to the tastes and (if necessary) medical recommendations for each child.

Meal schedule

09:50 – brunch (primary school)

10:55 – brunch (high school)

13:00 – lunch (primary school)

14:05 – lunch (high school)

16:30 – dunch

Does Primus Inter Pares School have a license?

Yes, the School has a license to carry out educational activities in the field of general secondary education.

What kind of education document will the child receive leaving PIPS?

A student will receive a document of state standard according to the educational degree.

How does the students' admission take place?

‍Algorithm of actions for students’ admission to Primus Inter Pares School

Step 1. Introductory tour around the school for parents / parents and a child.

Step 2. PIPS Administration / CEO and parents meeting.

Step 3. Orientation day at school (during the educational process)/Meeting with the teacher of individual education, subject teachers, tutors and psychologist (during the holidays).

Step 4. Notification of parents about the administration’s decision to enroll the child to the school (in writing by e-mail within 5 days after step 3).

Does the school have a shelter and a generator?

Yes, the school is equipped with the necessary shelter, which meets all safety standards in accordance with the mandate of the Prime Minister of Ukraine dated 10.06.2022 No. 14529/0/1-22 and the letter of the State Emergency Service No. 03-1870/162-2 dated 14.06.2022.
We also have a powerful generator that ensures the functioning of schools during power outages.

What does the tuition fee include?

Tuition fees in Primus Inter Pares School consist of:

Basic package
What’s included in Basic Package:
The providing of educational developmental process from 8.00 to 16.30;
All necessary educational and didactic materials;
fees per year
the cost per year:
10 800 у.о.*
payment terms:
100% prepayment
fees per quarter
the cost per year:
12 000 у.о.*
payment terms:
fees per quarter 3000 c.u.*
payment is made 30 calendar days before the start of the next quarter
The tuition fee formula: the amount in c.u. ( 1 c.u. is 1$) multiplied by the Ukrainian hryvnia exchange rate according to the National Bank of Ukraine on the day of payment
The tuition discount for the second child and the following ones from one family – 3%
If, more than 5 educational days for the сurrent month are conducted remotely during full-time education (package 2.0 and package 3.0 of this price list), then each such day of education in the corresponding month is counted with a 20% discount.
Personal tablet, one-time fee
18 520 hrn
extra charge
Meal, restaurant catering brunch, lunch, snack-time
430 hrn
per day (approximately)
Additional services
Edutainment time during holidays and weekends
Students exchanges (including overseas)
Excursions, summer holiday camps
Classes at the PIPS Academy (on weekdays from 16.30 to 19.00 and on weekends)
53, Sicheslavska Naberezhna
Complex «Amsterdam»
Dnipro, Ukraine
For meeting appointment:
+38 067 680 16 16
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